İmagine Dragons' concert took part at BOS

Thank you!

Last week, Baku Olympic Stadium hosted another spectacular event. Within the framework of the "Mercury World Tour" by the world-famous rock band "Imagine Dragons," a concert took place in Baku. In total, nearly 40,000 spectators from over 50 countries attended the concert. While these numbers may seem easy to read, the event concluded with great success after months of negotiations and weeks of preparation. We would like to express our gratitude to iTicket Production, our initial partners in this endeavor, to the foreign organizer Honeycomb, to the "A+A" company, to our invaluable volunteers who supported us, to all government institutions that ensured the safe and comfortable execution of the event, and to our other partners. However, the greatest thanks go to you, the audience. Your interest in this concert encourages us and the organizers to strive for even greater achievements, bringing more global stars to Baku.

Until we meet again!

Photos: Aziz Elkhanoglu, Vugar İbadov, Aykhan Salahov, Anar Bayramli, Elmir Karimov, Adil Yusifov, Murad Orucov, Rasul Rahimov, and Natalia Lebedeva.